It began for him the same way it begins for anyone who’s experienced it. One hand – on one drum. One beat. One beat that builds upon the next and the next into something magical that lifts your spirit and transforms your life. One beat that resonates in your soul and becomes a part of you. One beat that pulls you in and makes you an integral part of an African Drum Group. Imagine… a room full of like hearts and different minds as one. One beat, one rhythm, one team… That’s how it begins for everyone – and that’s how it began for Warren Lieberman.


          hen he took it to the next level...
Recognizing the unifying, teambuilding properties of drumming, Warren took African drumming out of the South African bush and into the South African corporations. He started Drum Cafe – a team of African drummers and performers who, without speaking a word, would engage and direct group after group of corporate attendees in highly entertaining, life-enriching drumming events. The results and reviews were phenomenal! The demand for Drum Cafe events led Warren to expand his team locally and in other countries. Drum Cafe has now performed at more than 2,500 events in 16 countries around the world, with rave reviews across the board.


           he phenomenon continues to grow...
Drum Cafe has finally crossed the water and established itself in America! Drum Cafe Texas is operated by Dale Monnin and Michael Enderle – two gifted drummers with strong ties to South Africa’s drumming events. They are continuing what Warren began, with performances that leave their audiences energized, excited, and quite simply happy! Drum Cafe Texas takes entertainment and multiplies it by the number of audience members. This is entertainment to the utmost power… and a performance not to be missed!

Pull up a chair and grab a drum. It's beginning...


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